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Technology Policy

We expect that the work students bring to the conference is their own and that the words they use in policy statements, speeches, and resolutions are also their own. Any use of AI services such as ChatGPT is strictly prohibited.


We further expect there will be no phone usage during the committee sessions to ensure productive debate and prevent misuse. 


Before the conference, advisors/coaches are recommended to run their delegates’ resolutions and opening speeches through AI detection software. 


TASMUN will take the following steps to prevent the use of AI prior to the conference. 


  1. All submitted policy statements will be run through AI detection software prior to the conference.

  2. All resolutions will be run through AI detection software at the approval panel.


TASMUN will take the following steps to prevent the use of AI at the conference. 


  1. Advisors and pages will be monitoring delegates for the use of AI services during the conference.

  2. Laptops and other electronics will be allowed on the podium in tablet mode. They will also be allowed during committee sessions but delegates are expected to be attentive when a speaker is giving a speech. 

  3. Any phone usage during committee sessions is strictly prohibited

    1. Delegates will be required to leave their phones at the door as they enter committees. Failure to comply would result in a loss of phone and a conversation with a TAS director. We will permit the usage outside of committee rooms during lunches and breaks. 

    2. Student Officers with their phones out during committee sessions will be immediately removed from their position.


This policy hopes to keep the conference as authentic as possible while encouraging students to develop their impromptu public speaking skills, one of the goals of a MUN conference. 


If any delegate is found to give or submit policy statements, speeches, resolutions or any other work written by AI software, their advisor(s) will be notified immediately. 

©2024 by TASMUN XV IT

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