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Writer: Noah C. 

When the Human Rights Council I (HRC I) started the committee session, they began with opening speeches. They first had to state their stance on the issue, and what they had done towards progressing the issue. “I believe that education is a vital thing in kids' lives, and I think that Japan really values that.” stated the delegate of Japan. The delegate later was the main submitter of the amendment that all of the delegates later voted on. The conference had many ups and downs, and Costa Rica had been especially picky with how they wanted to educate the next generations, with and without the new technology. As technology is being mentioned, France and Hungary got into a heated debate about whether the schools of their country should have up-to-date technology for the children to use in school. When everyone voted on Japan's resolution, everyone was in favor, except for Costa Rica, making the amendment pass.


Later on Sunday, Japan also submitted a sub-sub clause, proposing that they create an AI that can detect false information to protect people from believing those fake stories. Since nobody made a speech against this sub-sub clause, they all thought of ideas to make an underside to it. Finally, Costa Rica said that they may not be able to “train” AI because it was only programmed, and if something other than what it was supposed to detect happens, it could let it through. “This could be a huge blow to humankind because we are made to trust.” Costa Rica later argued. The amendment had 4 to 13 (13 being the delegates voting against) voting scores and Japan's amendment did not pass.


When India claimed that “social media companies may get fooled, and AI could malfunction, like blaming a baby even when the parents did not teach them well…” 18 votes to 2 passed the amendment and only Kenya and Japan objected, passing the solution to a big worldwide problem. 

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