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Writer: Olivia L.

The conference started off with opening speeches, where each country talked about its stance on the issue. Then, after the chairs introduced themselves, the committee moved to the lobbying stage, where delegates merged solutions to form resolutions. During lobbying, the delegates eagerly conversed with one another. Certain blocs studied online disinformation, while others studied education. One team studying online disinformation stated that their team is currently writing solutions on how to stop online disinformation and sharing information between delegates. Finally, the debates started. The debates were heated, revolving around the resolutions and different amendments, such as funding, education for adults, creating temporary/permanent school facilities, and cleaning the facilities. Some countries, such as Zambia and Gabon, wanted to amend the resolutions. They claimed that increasing accessibility is more important than the quality of the schools and education. During the Against Time, countries also opposed the amendments and new second-degree amendments. Throughout the debate, delegates submitted amendments, and after a series of heated debates against and supporting, the conference went through the “voting procedures”, where countries voted to pass or fail a resolution. 


On the second day, HRC II started with new amendments regarding the topic of violating election integrity and online disinformation (deep fakes, etc). The debates were once again heated. Delegates spoke firmly about their opinions towards the amendments, to go against or support them. Many believed protecting the majority was more important, but others disagreed. Each delegate had their own strong opinion, so the debates lasted for very long. Only one amendment passed the voting procedure. Afterward, the topic came back to the focus of education. Many countries stepped onto the podium and stated their thoughts. Some countries believed that having bilingual schools would help the students have higher-paid jobs as English, for example, has become a worldwide language. 

Throughout the journey of 2024’s TASMUN weekend, the committee of HRC II debated multiple amendments, from education to election integrity. HRC II had also gone through multiple “voting procedures”, and were very successful. 

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